Blanchardstown Vets 01 6409010
Botanic Vets 01 8375543
Clontarf Vets 01 8330744
Santry Vets 01 852 78 13

In an Emergency

Find out what to do

In an Emergency

Find out what to do

Should your pet become suddenly and seriously unwell, please phone us and we will arrange to have them seen immediately. We are open 7 days a week to provide urgent care for your pet

If your pet becomes unwell outside of our opening hours, we provide an Out of Hours service through the Pet Emergency Hospital based in University College Dublin.

The Pet Emergency Hospital is open when we are closed and is staffed by a highly trained team of Vets and Nurses to provide the best emergency care for your pet. We maintain a close working relationship with them and receive all your pet’s medical notes from them should you need to visit. This allows us to provide complete continuity of care.

Please call them if you are worried about your pet and we are closed.

Pet Emergency Hospital Number: 01 260 9920

Pet Emergency Hospital website: